Welcome to the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics 'Arturo Genre'

of the University of Turin!

The laboratory (which has been founded in 2006 and is dedicated to Arturo Genre's memory) is now accessible from the 9th of February 2017. A new setting has been arranged thanks to the University authorities and to the personal help of friends, colleagues and University fellows. You can browse through the pages of this website using the toolbar above.

AISV Conference

1-3 February 2024!

The interview to Fabrizio Pennacchietti is now available here, we also take the opportunity to inform you of the release of his Rappresentazioni a colori delle correlazioni espresse dai verbi di compravendita!

VOICES OF ITALIAN POETS (oral archive of the Italian poems) available for the le come supporto alle forme di didattica a distanza.

This month we recommend you the paper "Accentuation et morphologie"
by Paul Garde

C'era una volta la fonetica sperimentale - Storia di un sonografo

The tenth issue of the LFSAG is finally on-line!

World Voice Day

16th of April 2020

Ethno-anthropological Documentation about the Baṭāḥira tribe of Oman

Do you speak a dialectal variety? Come to the LFSAG to be recorded!

C'era una volta la fonetica sperimentale - La fibroscopia stroboscopica

Word bites


The Pro(so)Praat project aims at helping Praat users to realise the speech orthographic, prosodic and thematic annotation.

Go to the project
Do you know the LFSAG speech archives?

The laboratory has inherited and raised a growing collection of speech samples which have been recorded and/or digitalised during the last years by its researchers. The digitalised archive is available in this section of the laboratory website:

Go to the speech archives