Welcome to the L2PHROL workshop!

The University of Turin (Laboratorio di Fonetica Sperimentale 'Arturo Genre') and the Université Paris 8 (Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage) are pleased to announce that the L2PHROL workshop (L2 Phonetics and Phonology of L1 Romance Learners) will be held in Turin on 16-17 November 2017. The L2PHROL workshop is jointly organized by universities in France and Italy and aims at bringing together scholars working on the L2 phonetics and phonology of Romance L1 learners.
The L2PHROL workshop L2PHROL will be held in the University of Turin.
Address for Thursday 16 November: The main entrance for Palazzo Nuovo is via Sant'Ottavio 20, but the easiest way to the Auditorium 'Quazza' is via the side entrance in via Giuseppe Verdi 41 (there will be L2PHROL posters indicating the way).
Address for Friday 17 November: Sala Lauree, via Giuseppe Verdi 10, 1st floor (there will be L2PHROL posters indicating the way).