Ethno-anthropological Documentation about the Baṭāḥira tribe of Oman


The following tables illustrate the phonological inventory of Baṭḥari. A phonological transcription system inspired by the one widely employed within the Semitic tradition (such as ISO 233) has been chosen. Each phoneme is accompanied by the corresponding phonetic realization(s). For a more detailed description see Gasparini (2018).

Please refer to this IPA chart in order to know more about the listed sounds.

Labial Dental Lateral Palatal Velar Pharyngeal Glottal
Laminal Sibilant
Nasal m [m] n [n]
Plosive Voiceless t [t] k [k] ʔ [ʔ]
Voiced b [b] d [d] ɡ [g]
Emphatic ṭ [tˤ~tʼ] ḳ [kʼ]
Fricative Voiceless f [f] ṯ [θ] s [s] ś [ɬ] š [ʃ] x [x] ḥ [ħ] h [h]
Voiced ð [ð] z [z] ġ [ɣ] ʕ [ʕ]
Emphatic ð̣ [ðʕ] ṣ [sʕ]~[zʕ] ṣ́ [ɮʕ]
Rhotic r [r]~[ɾ]
Approximants w [w] l [l] y [j]

Front Central Back
Close i [i], ī [iː] u [u], ū [uː]
Mid e [e], ē [eː] ə [ə] o [o], ō [oː]
ɛ [ɛ], ɛ̄ [ɛː]
Open a [a], ā [aː]